ClaireRabbit1's Profile

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    Basic Information For ClaireRabbit1
    Member Since: 2022-01-09
    Gender: Female
    Favorite Color: Orange
    Nickname: Claire-chan
    Bio: I am a Floridian, I live in Orlando with my mother, father, and two younger brothers, the older of the two is infamous for being a "bully" to me. I am a huge anime fan, my top three favorite animes are: 1) Onegai My Melody, 2) Soreike! Anpanman, 3) Jankenman. My favorite characters from those shows are Kuromi and Baku (OMM), Baikinman, Dokin-chan and Horrorman (S!A), and Osodashi Kamen, Ururun, and Pechakucha (J), those are the villains BTW, and my anime crush is Baku from Onegai My M
    ClaireRabbit1 currently have 0 friends.

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